Adding Website Pages & Navigation Links

MotorDesk allows you to add unlimited pages to your website.

Adding A Page

To add new page to your website simply proceed to the Website -> Pages section of your MotorDesk account.

Next complete the 'Add Page' form by entering the title for your page - this will be shown in the web browser header/tab heading, and also in search engine results. Next enter a URL for your page, this should be a short and concise version of your page title and may only include letters, numbers and hyphens (-).

For example, if your page title were 'Apply for Finance' you might set the page URL as 'finance' or 'finance-application'.

Adding A Header Navigation Link

To add a link to your page in the website header proceed to the Website -> Navigation section of your MotorDesk account.

Now add the 'Link Text' as you would like it shown in your header, followed by the page URL and finally, select the page you are linking to.

This will then appear in your list of navigation links.

You may optionally select the 'Child Of' option if you would like to add the link to a drop-down menu of links under the main link you select.

This is how a 'Child Of' page will look.

Related Documentation

Usage Guide