You can record the purchase details, including additional costs, of any vehicle you have in stock in the vehicle's Purhcase & Cost section.
When entering a vehicle's purchase price you have the option to 'Create Purchase', this option will create a purchase invoice in MotorDesk for the relevant transaction which will then be synchronised with the connected accounting software.
Whether you create a purchase invoice depends on whether you want to record the transaction in your accounting software. For example, if you are recording an additional cost such as the cost of valeting the vehicle and you have an invoice for that service, you will likely want to record it from the Stock & Value section to have that purchase invoice connected with the vehicle. However, if the invoice shows the valeting service for multiple vehicles then you would not want that purchase invoice linked with this vehicle because the amount would be incorrect. In this case you can simply enter the individual valeting cost without selecting 'Create Purchase', this will then show the correct 'Stand-In Value' for the vehicle taking into account this service. You may then choose to create the purchase invoice via the Sales -> Purchase Invoices section without linking it to a vehicle.
To record a vehicle's purchase price simply enter the price and applicable VAT. You may optionally enter the purchase date, name of supplier (created as a Contact), and supplier invoice number. You can then choose to create a purchase invoice based on these details as you wish, and once done you can continue to edit the purchase invoice as you wish.
When adding a vehicle via the Create Purchase Invoice, or Part Exchange process, the purchase details will be completed automatically.
Only the vehicle's price and any non-VAT products with Add to Margin enabled are used for the vehicle purchase price. Any other products added to the purchase invoice are ignored but will be added as additional costs (without creating an additional purchase invoice) assuming the Marginal VAT Handling -> Vehicle Purchase Additional Costs option is enabled in your Payment & Invoicing settings.
You may optionally choose to enter your funding provider and funding amount, these will then be shown in your Current Vehicles and Sold Vehicles report, helping you to keep track of what funding you are currently using or have previously used.
MotorDesk gives you two different options for recording your additional costs on a purchase.
The Create Purchase Invoice option will create a purchase invoice to be recorded in your linked accounting software. You can press 'Create Purchase' to start adding products. This follows the same layout other invoices in MotorDesk, for a guide on how to create invoices please see this guide
You can add multiple products to a single invoice from the same supplier, or you can create multiple invoices for a range of products. They will all appear with different invoice numbers in the vehicle's Purchase & Costs page.
The Add Without Invoice option is for reflecting estimated figures where you want an amount affecting your profit figure but don't know the exact amount, such as AutoTrader advertising costs.
You can pick the category from the drop-down menu or add your own. You can add a custom supplier and reference number before recording the cost.
When complete, this will also appear in the vehicle's stock & price page.
By expanding any of the additional costs, you can view, edit or remove the invoice.