Vehicle History

When viewing a vehicle you'll see 'History' in the left sidebar.

You can complete basic information about the vehicle such as previous owners and year of manufacture, all of which will be shared with sales channels when supported. 'Exterior Condition' and 'Interior Condition' will affect the vehicle valuation shown in the Stock & Value section and therefore it's important to ensure these are selected correctly.

The 'Manufacturer Warranty Expiry' and 'Battery Warranty Expiry' fields will auto-complete when you enter the number of months manufacturer warranty or battery warranty, based on the vehicle's date of registration. 'Extended Warranty' is started from when you sell the vehicle and expiry is simply however many months from the point of sale.

Your website is able to show how many months are left on the warranty (within the Vehicle Information and Search Results modules) and these values will update automatically based on the number of months remaining. Currently this data is not shared with Sales Channels.

Lastly you can choose the MOT expiry date - this will update automatically from the public record unless you select a date that is in the future from the actual expiry date.

Note when a new MOT is completed it can take several days for the public record to update, and for MotorDesk to retrieve the updated date - for this reason we recommend manually updating the date.

Usage Guide