Vehicle Finance Invoices

For guidance selling a vehicle please follow our Selling A Vehicle instructions.

Finance Invoicing

When creating a vehicle invoice you will notice a Finance option which when expanded will provide different options for including finance on the invoice. There are three methods for adding finance, which you use usually depends on how the finance provider would like to be invoiced.

Option 1. Invoice Customer Only

If the finance provider is happy to accept the customer's invoice simply enter the Finance Amount and select/add a Finance Provider contact. The invoice will then be generated for the customer, with the finance amount and provider listed.

Option 2. Invoice Finance Provider Only (not recommended)

You may choose to invoice the finance provider and not the customer, in this case the customer at the top of the Create Invoice form would be set as the finance provider. You may then enter the Customer Deposit and Due From/Paid By name to list the customer and their deposit payment on the invoice.

The key issue with this approach is the sale within MotorDesk will be to the finance provider and not the customer

Option 3. Invoice Both (recommended)

The recommended approach is to follow the instructions for Option 1, but also enable the Generate Finance Provider option. In this case you will invoice the customer as per option 1, but when you issue the invoice a second Finance Provider Invoice will be generated - essentially this is like you've completed both option 1 and option 2 simultaneously.

Note when you do this both invoices will link to each other at the bottom of the View Invoice section. To complete the sale you only need to mark the customer invoice as paid, the finance provider invoice can be handled separately and marked as paid at a later date as you require.

Also note, you must enable the Generate Finance Provider option before the main invoice is issued - the option can not be enabled later.

Related Documentation

Usage Guide