Vehicle Details

The Vehicle Details section lists the vehicle's basic information such as make, model, transmission type right through to colour and upholstery type.


A Vehicle's Details (including the all-important Derivative) are typically auto-populated for you as soon as you enter a vehicle's registration. For the most part you need only input the mileage at the bottom of the page before saving and moving to the next section.

Although auto-populated, you can edit them if you so wish.

What is the Derivative?

This is the most important field you can select for a vehicle. It not only determines the correct vehicle details, but the standard & optional extras and vehicle specifications in subsequent menus.

The derivative is usually chosen automatically alongside the other auto-populated information, however if adding vehicle details manually, it only needs the Manufacturer, Model & Generation to be selected, plus one other field (for example either fuel type or engine size) in order to present a list of derivative options that you can choose from.

Once you've selected a derivative from the drop-down selection, you will have an option to auto-complete all the other fields. This is useful whether manually entering vehicle details or editing an auto-completed derivative.

Once you're happy with all the details displayed in the Vehicle Details section, whether entered manually, auto-populated or edited, simply enter the vehicle mileage and press save.

Related Documentation

Usage Guide