Vehicle Analyser

The Vehicle Analyser allows you to retrieve details of up to 1,000 vehicles simultaneously helping you to assess a large quantity of potential vehicles which you might purchase, for example from an auction or vehicle wholesaler.

You can upload a CSV or XLS file with the vehicle information, or you can manually enter a list of vehicles. Note we recommend downloading our CSV template first, just click the button marked Download CSV Template, although the analyser will accept spreadsheets downloaded from many popular auction houses.

You can enter vehicles manually with just basic details such as registration, mileage and cost - make sure to follow the format of the example text on the right-hand side.

Press Run Analyser once you've completed your input to bring up a wide range of data for each vehicle in columns - this data is powered by AutoTrader and by default is not available without a connected AutoTrader account due to the potential to incur a large quantity of data charges.

Once analysed you can scroll to the right of the table to reveal more data columns and there will be some fields that you can edit, including Mileage, Cost, and Condition to fine-tune your valuations.

You can also select Parameters at the top to alter the Monthly Cost Per Space, Target Return On Investment and Target Price Position.

The Columns button at the top allows you to customise which columns to display in the analyser's results. There is also a detailed Filter button which enables you to narrow down your search by a specific set of details, along with the search input at the top which allows you to quickly find specific vehicles.

Results can be exported as a CSV or Excel file.

Usage Guide