Updating Your Contact Details

Update Your Profile
To update your personal log-in contact details simply log-in to MotorDesk and select the profile icon in the top right, then select the Profile option to update your name or phone number, or select Security to update your email address. Note, some changes require you enter your account password.

Update Business Address
To update your business address simply go to the Business -> Business Details section. Your primary business address, company name and company number will be locked as these details have been verified, to change these details please contact support.

Update Business Telephone Numbers
To update your business telephone numbers and social media simply go to the Business -> Contact & Social Media section.

All telephone numbers should be provided in international format, for example UK numbers should be entered without the leading zero. The phone number won't be displayed to customers in this format, but the international format is needed for example for any buttons and links to start phone calls.

When entering your social media accounts simply enter the usernames. For example, the MotorDesk Instagram URL is https://www.instagram.com/motordeskuk/ so we would just enter: motordeskuk

Related Documentation

Usage Guide