Sales Reports

There are many report types to check in MotorDesk. These include Sales & Revenue, Current Vehicles, Sold Vehicles, Silent Salesman, Leads & Chat and Users/Staff.

These reports are accessible via the drop-down menu at the top of the Reports section. To the left of this drop-down menu you'll find another for choosing the period of time you'd like to analyse. You can choose a custom range of dates for a period of time up to a maximum of 365 days, for this range can be for date period in the past.

Right away, you'll see a summary of the key stats in this report. These are different for each Report Type. Underneath the summary, you are then presented with a more detailed breakdown of your figures in the form of different charts, graphs and tables. Note these are interactive so hovering your mouse over them will give you the relevant figures.

Report Types

Sales & Revenue: This is where you can get a breakdown of what vehicles and products you've sold, what models/makes have been popular, what sales channels generated the most income and how long it took vehicles to sell.

Current Vehicles: This report will show you a detailed analysis of the stock you currently have. You can see things like what percentage of your stand-in value is made up of reserved, for sale or draft vehicles. The report will also show the estimated profit you can generate from your website and sales channels.

Sold Vehicles: This is a more detailed breakdown of the vehicles you've sold.

Silent Salesman: This is a report showing the times and dates that people have been scanning the QR codes on your silent salesman documents, giving you a useful insight into customer activity on your forecourt.

Leads & Chat: This is a report showing when and where your enquiries/leads came from. The report also shows which vehicles are most pouplar, and lead specific statistics such as your average reply time.

Users/Staff: This shows your staff performance, who has sold what and what their commissions are. Note the adjusted column will show a commission amount after factoring in the number of staff involved with the sale, essentially automatically dividing it by the number of users assigned to the sale.

VAT on Current & Sold Vehicle Reports

All figures in Current Vehicles and Sold Vehicles reports exclude VAT. Profit calculations show the total profit after VAT, accounting for VAT Qualifying and Margin Scheme transactions accordingly. Additional costs are deducted, and commissions are added, after any applicable marginal VAT is deducted. The accuracy of profit calculations relies on you entering accurate costs and commissions data. Sold prices are based on the invoiced vehicle price and do not take account of any products, exchanges, adjustments or discounts added to the invoice. Funding amounts are informational and are not accounted for in profit calculations.

Usage Guide