Handover Process

When you've sold a vehicle in MotorDesk it will be moved into the 'Sold' state. A separate 'Complete' state exists to distinguish between vehicles which are sold but still in our possession, and vehicles which have been handed-over to customers. To move a vehicle into the 'Complete' state you must select the 'Mark As Complete' button in the vehicle's Sell Vehicle section, but before choosing to 'Mark As Complete' you have a number of tools to help document and manage the handover process.

Add Appointment

When you click Add Appointment a pop up will appear allowing you to add the handover date as an appointment to your calendar. See our separate guide on the Appointments Calendar.

These are related to your booking types which you can find in the Bookings Section of your website settings. You can learn about Booking Types here.

Send To Driver

Clicking Send To Driver will allow you to directly email the driver or delivery company with delivery date, vehicle location and further instructions.

Delivery Report

Enable Delivery Report will allow the delivery driver to add the delivery report themselves, including photos, condition report and splat diagrams.

The Delivery Report is available to the delivery driver as well as your own staff who have access to MotorDesk. Clicking Delivery Report will bring up all the sections you can fill in in relation to the vehicle.

First, you have the condition report. Here you can choose the report type from a drop-down menu, who's conducting the report as well as the vehicle location and mileage.

You then have your Inspection section where you can upload photos for each area of the vehicle.

There are also Exterior and Interior splat diagrams where you can mark and label the exact spots of interest on the vehicle.

You then are given a Vehicle Evaluation section with a series of drop-down options.

Finally you have a final checklist for the vehicle Inventory and any further notes. Click Save Report at the end.

Upload Documents

Clicking Upload Documents will bring up a file uploader and you can add multiple files to your handover record.


eSign will let you take the customer's signature on your device.

Mark As Complete

To complete the handover process, press Mark as Complete. The vehicle will then move from your 'Sold' vehicles to your 'Complete' vehicles in your Browse Vehicles section.

After pressing Mark As Complete a final time, you'll have the options to assign the sale to a member of staff and record the handover date.

You can log sales commissions

Finally you can choose the finance end date and mark the items included with the handover.

Once you've filled in the areas you'd like, press Complete Sale.

Related Documentation

Usage Guide