Displaying Announcements With Website Banners

There are multiple ways of making announcements across your website in MotorDesk. The method you should use depends on where you would like the announcement to appear on your website.

Method 1 - Website Banner

The first method is to add a centred banner across the top of your website by going to the Website -> Settings -> Banner section.

Enable the banner and enter the text you'd like to appear. Then simply choose the colour scheme and banner position.

In this example, we're choosing a white background for the banner and putting it below the website header.

This is how it will appear on your website.

Method 2 - Header Top Bar

The second method is to go to the Website -> Header section.

First, enable the Top Bar.

Then choose the Text option under one of the top bar content selectors and enter the text you'd like to display.

This will appear like this on your website.

NOTE: Top Bar 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th appear in left to right order so when just one is filled in, it'll be on the left, when 2 are filled in (see example above) they'll be left & right, when 3 are filled in they will be left, centre & right.

Method 3 - Website Module

The third method is by adding a Banner module on the website page itself in the Website -> Pages section.

First choose where and on which page you'd like the banner displayed, click the plus icon and Insert New Module.

Search for and select the Banner module.

Then choose your colour scheme and enter the text you'd like to appear.

You can also add an interactive button to the banner. Go to the Button tab, name and style the button, then choose which of your pages it links to.

That will appear like this on your website.

Usage Guide