Cancelling A Vehicle Sale or Reservation

Sales and reservations are easily cancelled by following the steps below. Note, if a sales invoice exists it must be cancelled in order to cancel the reservation.

Cancel Vehicle Sale

Go to the vehicle's Sell Vehicle section, once a sale is ready to be cancelled a red 'Cancel Sale' button will be shown. To display this button the invoice first needs to be credited or cancelled.

Credit Invoice (Recommended)
If a payment has been returned to the customer go to the vehicle sales invoice and select the Issue Credit Note option, then add the credit as required ensuring the VAT/TAX is set correctly.

Cancel Payment
This method should only be used if no payments were actually made. If a payment has been made it should be credited accordingly to create the correct accounting records.

If you wish to simply delete the payment record, for example if it was recorded in error, go to the Mark as Paid/Payments section and select the Cancel Payment button. Then return to view the invoice and select Cancel Invoice.

Cancel Sale
Once the invoice is credited or cancelled return to the Sell Vehicle section and select the Cancel Sale button. The vehicle will then be returned to the For Sale status, note you will need to return to the Sales Channels section to enable any sales channels as required.

Cancel Vehicle Reservation

To cancel a reservation go to the 'Reserve Vehicle' section for the vehicle, you will then be given the option to cancel the reservation without a credit or refund. You will also be given the option to credit the reservation, this creates a credit note in MotorDesk to reverse the financial transaction but any actual refund must be handled manually. When an online or terminal payment has been processed via MotorDesk you will be given the option to refund the payment, in this case the actual financial payment will be returned to the customer and a credit note will be created accordingly.

Note a reservation can not be created if a sales invoice exists, please follow the Cancel Vehicle Sale instructions accordingly.

Sale In Limbo

A sale can only be cancelled if it is completed, note in certain situations where a sale is being cancelled mid-process you may need to mark the sale as complete in order to be given the option to cancel the sale.

Related Documentation

Usage Guide