Adding a vehicle is a very simple process. To begin navigate to the Vehicles menu in MotorDesk's header and select Add Vehicle.
You'll be given several options to add your vehicle by vehicle registration/ number plate or by VIN (vehicle identification number), which once entered will enable MotorDesk to retrieve detailed data for the relevant vehicle.
Alternatively, you can select the Skip option and manually select the vehicle taxonomy (data).
When adding a vehicle you will be given the option to add a To Order vehicle. To Order vehicles are vehicles which you do not physically have yet, for example you may take an order for a new vehicle which you would then order into stock for the customer. Similarly if you build bespoke/custom vehicles you may wish to advertise a vehicle which you would build once purchased.
The vehicle taxonomy/data for To Order vehicle must be manually selected as the vehicle will not have a registration or VIN.
To Order vehicles have an available quantity, whenever a To Order vehicle is reserved or purchased the In Stock record will be automatically created enabling you to then record the VIN/registration and complete the sale of the tangible/physical vehicle.
When entering a vehicle registration or VIN many of the fields will be filled in for you automatically, such as the manufacturer, model, trim, engine size etc. This is called vehicle taxonomy, or data. You can edit always edit this data if you need to make any changes.
Once you've completed the initial add vehicle step you will be taken to the Vehicle Details section to complete the add vehicle process. Simply complete the form and click Save & Next to move to the next stage.