Set-Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides a powerful system for recording website traffic and understanding how visitors behave on your website.

Set-Up Google Analytics

To begin please sign-up/log-in to Google Analytics and add an account/property for your website at:

Once you've added your website you will need to set-up a Data Stream to collect your website visitor data. Select to create a Web data stream, we recommend leaving the Enhanced Measurement option enabled.

Next you will be provided with a range of options, to complete the set-up all we need is your Measurement ID.

Copy the measurement ID which will look similar to:


Now go to the Website -> Settings -> Tags section of your MotorDesk account and copy the ID into the Google Analytics field. We only need the measurement ID, not the full tracking code.

Now save the tag and return to Google Analytics to verify the tracking is working - note it may take a couple of hours for Google to recognise the tracking is working.

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