Set-Up Facebook/Meta Catalogue & Automotive Ads

Facebook (or Meta) catalogues are used for Facebook Automotive Ads. MotorDesk feeds the catalogue automatically which can then in-turn feed Facebook features like carousel ads - helping to automate the on-going management of your Facebook advertising.

Enable MotorDesk Sales Channel

To begin go to the Business -> Sales Channels section of your MotorDesk account. Go to the Add Sales Channel section, select Facebook Auto and click Connect Channel.

At the top of the page you will see a confirmation that the channel has been added, along with your feed URL. Please copy this URL, we'll need it in a moment.

Publish Vehicles To Sales Channel

Next, publish at least 1 vehicle to this sales channel, and wait at least 30 minutes for your feed to be generated. If this step is not completed the feed will not be generated and the feed URL will be rejected when setting up the Facebook Catalogue.

Set-Up Facebook Catalogue

Please sign-up/log-in to Facebook/Meta and add go to Commerce Manager:

Next select to Add a Catalogue.

You must set the Catalogue Type as Auto - Vehicles.

Now select the correct Catalogue Owner, and enter a name for your catalogue.

Next select to view your catalogue and go to the Data Sources section.

Select Next and enter the feed URL you were provided with when adding the MotorDesk Sales Channel. If you've lost the URL simply remove and re-add the channel.

Now enter your feed name, currency, and select your Facebook page - then click Upload.

Feed URL Rejected/Invalid XML Format

If your feed URL is rejected when setting up your Facebook Catalogue please ensure you have published at least 1 vehicle to the Facebook Auto sales channel, and you must wait at least 30 minutes for the feed to be generated.

Set-Up Facebook Automotive Ads

Once you've set-up your catalogue please follow the Facebook Automotive Ads set-up instructions at:

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