Online Checkout & Deal Builder Set-Up

MotorDesk's Online Checkout & Deal Builder provide a modern and revolutionary way to manage your vehicle sales.


The Online Checkout & Deal Builder are not enabled by default, to activate these features please go to the Sales -> Deals section of your MotorDesk account.

Once the online checkout has been activated on your account the following key changes will occur:

  • A new Sales -> Deals section will become available in your account providing the Deal Builder.
  • The Website -> Settings section will be updated with new options.
  • Your website Sell Your Car page will be updated with a new module, this provides online valuations to customers and integrates with the Online Checkout.
  • A Terms & Conditions page will be added to your website.

Terms & Conditions

Please review the terms and conditions which have been added to your website, it is important you understand and adhere to these. The key points are:

  • You must accept or decline deals within 7 days.
  • Declined deals must be refunded in full.
  • If distance selling regulations apply they expire after 14 days.
  • Returns are subject to a mileage allowance and excess per mile charge.
  • The customer's statutory rights are not affected.


Please proceed to the Website -> Settings -> Valuations section to set up your online valuations which are used for the Sell Your Car and Online Checkout part exchange process. Valuations are provided by AutoTrader, to begin we recommend setting the Percentage Adjustment to 95%.

Live Chat

We recommend enabling the live chat feature in the Website -> Settings -> Live Chat section to ensure customers can contact you without exiting the online checkout.

Opening Hours

You must set opening hours in the Business -> Opening Hours section to enable the delivery and collection options, if you do not do this customers will be unable to complete the Online Checkout process. Note you can set your opening hours to appointment only to hide them on your website, whilst still allowing the Online Checkout to function.

Payment Options

You must enable at least one online payment option in the Business -> Connect Services -> Payments section. We strongly recommend enabling Crezco for free open banking, and we recommend takepayments for credit/debit card payments.

Deal Builder Settings

Now the prerequisites are in place please proceed to the Website -> Settings -> Deal Builder section to review your Online Checkout & Deal Builder settings.

Many settings have a small question mark next to them, hover your mouse over the question mark for a more detailed explanation of the setting. The default settings are set as we recommend, however you will likely want to adjust your delivery and collection settings.


The finance functionality requires Credicar who connect us with the supported finance providers. Please contact MotorDesk support to request an introduction to Credicar.

Enabling The Online Checkout

To enable the Online Checkout on your website go to the Website -> Settings -> Website section and enable the 'Buy Online' option.

Depending on your set-up you may then need to update your Vehicle Information page to enable the Buy Online button, and you may wish to update your Search Results to include the Buy Online button.

Deal Builder Without Online Checkout

You may choose to use the Deal Builder without making the Online Checkout public, in this case customers will not be able to initiate a purchase through your website, but you will still be able to create deals to send to customers to complete on your website.

Connecting AutoTrader Deal Builder

To connect AutoTrader's Deal Builder please contact your AutoTrader account manager to request Deal Builder API access. Once set-up please contact MotorDesk support to complete the set-up.

Once set-up your AutoTrader Deal Builder deals will then appear within your MotorDesk Deal Builder, allowing you to manage all your deals within MotorDesk, whilst also complimenting AutoTrader's reserve online process to enable customers to complete the full vehicle purchase via your website.

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