Connecting Stripe

Stripe provide online credit/debit card payment processing services, MotorDesk integrates with Stripe to enable you to accept vehicle reservations and invoice card payments online.

1. Sign-Up With Stripe

Visit to sign-up with Stripe.

2. Find API Keys

Once you've signed-up and your Stripe account is ready please log-in and go to the Developers -> API keys section of your Stripe account.

On this page you will find your 'Publishable key' and your 'Secret key', these should begin with 'pk_live_' and 'sk_live_'. You will need to select the 'Reveal key' button to view your full secret key - if this option is not available please create a new secret key.

3. Save Keys

Once you've located your API keys please log-in to your MotorDesk account and go to the Business -> Connect Services -> Payments section, then copy and paste your keys into the relevant fields and select the 'Save Changes' button.

4. Done!

That's it! Your Stripe integration is now ready! We recommend making a test payment which you can then refund, this can be done by reserving a vehicle or creating an invoice.

Enabling Online Reservations

To enable online vehicle reservations log-in to your MotorDesk account and go to the Website -> Settings section, then enable the 'Reserve Online' option.

Stripe Test Mode

It is possible to use your Stripe test mode API keys but please ensure you revert to your live keys after testing.

Related Documentation