Connecting Third-Party Websites

Whilst MotorDesk provides dealership websites as standard, you may choose to utilise a third-party dealership website either by creating a website yourself, or using an outside website development service or alternative dealership website provider.

MotorDesk not only offers various ways for you to feed vehicle data from MotorDesk to your third-party website, but also to integrate features like enquiry forms, online reservations, and even MotorDesk's Online Checkout.

Your MotorDesk Website & Domain Name

When you have a third-party hosted website, MotorDesk will always continue to provide a secondary website for your business in order to provide features such as the online invoicing and vehicle handover processes, and also to enable integration of features such as the online reservations. However, this secondary website can be set-up in a way that redirects visitors back to your primary website, giving you a seamless integration with your primary website.

In order to provide the secondary website a suitable website address/domain name must be used. The website address can be the generic address we provide when you set-up your account, however these addresses do not support email. As such, we recommend you register a new domain for this secondary website, which we can usually register and maintain for you free of charge. If for example you have a domain name we would recommend registering the equivalent .uk domain to enable your visitors to transition seamlessly between the two websites, so for example you would then have and

Setting Up MotorDesk's Secondary Website

We provide a special website template called 'Redirect' when setting up a secondary website, this template disables the website homepage, as well as the vehicle information pages, replacing them with redirects back to your primary third-party hosted website.

Please click here to install the Redirect website template.

Once installed please go to the Website -> Pages section in MotorDesk and select to edit your Redirect To Website page. At the top of the page you'll find the Redirect module which by default links to the /setup-instructions/ page. Select the plus icon to the top left of this module, then select the pencil icon to edit the module, then amend the Redirect To value to link to your third-party primary website homepage.

You will now have a MotorDesk website set-up ready to provide features like online invoicing, but which redirects to your primary website from sections like the homepage.

Redirecting From Vehicles

By default the redirect template will have a generic redirect to your primary website homepage, you can however amend this to forward vehicle data on to your website from MotorDesk's vehicle specific pages which you can then detect to redirect to your own vehicle information pages - helping maintain links from features like social media posts and silent saleman sheets.

To set-up vehicle redirects go to the Website -> Pages section and navgiate to edit the vehicle Information page. At the top of the page you'll find the Redirect module which links to your /redirect-to-website/ page, and then on to your primary website page. Select the plus icon to the top left of this module, then select the pencil icon to edit the module, then amend the Redirect To value to link to a specific vehicle page on your website.

At this point the vehicles will still only link to a single generic page, however the Redirect To value can be amended to include the following values:


You can therefore set a Redirect To value which passes these values over to your website, e.g.{VEHICLE_REGISTRATION}&vin={VEHICLE_VIN}

Once this is set-up you will then need to detect these values on your website and redirect accordingly - this will require your own development which we can not provide guidance for.

Feeding Vehicle Data

We have several methods for feeding vehicle data from MotorDesk to your third-party website. Please note if you are using a third-party website then you are responsible for your own website development and we can not provide support for this.

MotorDesk WordPress Plugin
MotorDesk provides a WordPress plugin which offers a vehicle search tool with vehicle information pages, available to set-up in seconds via your WordPress administration panel.

XML Feed
MotorDesk provides a XML feed sales channel which provides a comprehensive XML file of your vehicle data. To set this up simply go to the Business -> Sales Channels section and select to add the XML Feed sales channel.

AutoTrader Connect
If you have developer access to AutoTrader Connect for your dealership then you can feed data via AutoTrader, using MotorDesk to upload to AutoTrader and then setting up your website to download the data from AutoTrader.

Integrating MotorDesk Features

Once you have your vehicle data appearing on your primary third-party hosted website you may like to integrate MotorDesk's features such as vehicle reservations, and even MotorDesk's Online Checkout. There are two simple ways to do this, either via a regular website link to your secondary website, or by embedding iFrames in your website.

Website Link
To link to these features on your website simply use the website URL available via your vehicle data feed, and amend one of the following values to the end of the URL:

  • /callback/
  • /checkout/
  • /enquire/
  • /finance/
  • /offer/
  • /part-exchange/
  • /reserve/
  • /test-drive/
  • /viewing/

For example you'll have a URL similar to:

Embedding iFrames
If you have the Redirect website template installed you can utilise iFrames. To embed iFrames on your website simply use the URLs listed in the previous section, but append the ?iframe query string to hide the website header and footer, e.g.

Example iFrame Code:
<iframe src="" id="motordesk_iframe" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The above example will provide a fixed height iFrame, whereas the following example utilises automatic height resizing to adjust the iFrame height to the size of the content.

Example iFrame Code with Automatic Height Resizing:
<iframe src="" id="motordesk_iframe" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script src=""></script>
<script>(function() {iFrameResize({autoResize:true,heightCalculationMethod:'taggedElement',log:false,checkOrigin:false,onMessage:function(messageData) {if (messageData.message==='loaded') {document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;}}}, '#motordesk_iframe');})();</script>

Again, please note the above code will not work correctly unless you have the Redirect website template installed. Please also note we can not provide support for implementation of these tags in your website.

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